Week 9- Hand Lettering

Collected Textures Photos
Original Lettering

Hand Lettering-

Finished Letters-

For this session we worked with clipping masks in Adobe illustrator. To begin I scanned in the variety of textures I had collected as part of the homework, and in Photoshop, adjusted the levels to create a higher contrasting image, and the used the threshold tool to form a completely black and white texture. Once I had completed this process I repeated it with the letter forms I had drawn and then saved them all as JPEG's. Next I placed a letter form of my choice within the Illustrator Document, coloured it and the background, and then on a separate layer, over-laid one of the textures. Following this I used the texture to create a clipping mask that only covered the letter form, and not the background. Therefore, creating a textured letter form. Once I had got the hand of this process it was quite easy to create the other letters, this meant that I was able to experiment with different colour combinations for each letter, seeing how the patterns and colour worked together.